Help us raise money for a new truck to keep our Can Shed Program running!

Recycle Aluminum Cans
every can counts
The Habitat Can Program is ranked #3 among 52 Habitat affiliates nationwide! This program is a yearlong fundraiser where anyone in the community can participate at any time. It allows us to engage with students in our community and partner with businesses and churches that want to support Habitat families uniquely AND keep aluminum out of landfills.
All aluminum cans are recycled locally by the help of Habitat volunteers and the funds received help us build affordable homes in our community.
Unfortunately, our recycling program is currently facing a challenge — our Can Shed truck was vandalized while parked at the Habitat ReStore. The older truck, which has been a workhorse for the program, was already experiencing mechanical issues and due to the vandalism, it’s clear that the truck has reached the end of its lifespan.
“Our can shed truck has seen better days, but we’ve relied on it for collecting cans and keeping the program going. Sadly, the recent damage means it’s no longer usable,” shared Dannielle Goodrich, Habitat GFW Marketing Manager. “We’re turning this into an opportunity to upgrade to the bigger box truck we’ve been dreaming of—a vehicle that will make collecting cans even easier for our volunteers and help the program continue to grow.”
To help us achieve our goal of purchasing a new box truck please consider donating. All funds will go toward purchasing a new vehicle to ensure the Can Shed program can continue its vital work in the community.
Recycling Shed Locations

Habitat Recycling Bins
Request a 50 gal. cardboard bin to easily collect aluminum cans at work, church, or school! Once your recycling bin is full, tie the bag of cans tight and donate at your nearest can shed location.
Habitat Recycling Shed Sponsors
Interested in helping with the recycling program? Email