Apr 19 2023
We kicked off our first home build out of 20 homes in 2023 — the most we’ve built in a season in our local affiliate’s history.
We’re excited to announce the appointment of Jeremy McClish as our new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). McClish joined Habitat GFW as Director of Operations in July 2017 and has served as COO since April 2020.
“Jeremy is a faithful leader with a passion for Habitat staff, Partner Families, and the Greater Fort Wayne community. He has made a transformational impact during his time at Habitat to date, and we have no doubt he will continue this momentum as our new CEO.”
Adrienne Wampole
Board Chair at Habitat GFW
Jeremy McClish serves on the board of the Northeastern REMC, is very active in his church community, and in his spare time, enjoys life with his wife Molly and their three children. Jeremy’s gift is to support the team at Habitat GFW — he believes this is where God has placed him and it’s up to him to follow that call. “For me, it’s all about working hard and being faithful with what God gives you to do in every area of your life.”
One of Jeremy’s favorite moments at Habitat is each time a partner family raises the walls to their first home — “It’s a special moment when they get to see the culmination of months of hard work.”